Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Alcohol Inks

I consider myself to be pretty crafty.  I'll try my hand at just about anything.  A few months back my daughter broke some small square decorative plates I had displayed on my kitchen wall.  It seems I can't find anything I like or small enough to put in their place.

While surfingin Pinterest last week, I came across these really cool looking tiles and thought these would be perfect replacements.

At first I thought it was a painting - - I love all the colors, but then read further and found it was a DIY project with Alcohol Inks.  Never even heard of that stuff so I was intrigued.  I was hoping real alcohol was involved.  Can't win them all.

We are finally done with the SCY Swim Season so I have my weekends again and I can't think of a better way to spend my first free weekend working on my first DIY Craft project of the year.  I can't wait to hit Michael's and pick up the Alcohol Inks and Solution and some tiles from Home Depot.

Here are the directions that I found online:
alcohol ink dries very quickly on non-porous surfaces. start with a thin layer of the alcohol blending solution, spreading it evenly with a toothbrush. (this diffuses the color, brings out the saturation and extends the drying time.) then squeeze big drops of one color on the tile and watch it do the weirdest stuff ever.
Source:  Artsyville

She mentions being creative by blowing through a straw to blend the colors or using the tip of a Q-tip to swirl them together, plus a few other ideas.  You have to check it out.

I actually might pick some up tomorrow afternoon and "hit the bottle" so to speak!  I have some ideas of my own and will definatley post the after-pics, along with any tips and tricks I discover along the way.

Happy Crafting!

Two Sick Puppies

My mom is visiting and brought her new puppy, Luigi, with her.  Luigi is the cutest tiny Yorkie puppy I've ever seen with an amazing disposition.  Oh, and he's smart as a whip.  If I could, I'd pinch his tiny cheeks and hold him forever!

 Well, their trip is coming to an end and my daughter is simply heartbroken.  Not because her Nani is leaving but because she's taking Luigi back home.  If I could bottle her tears, I think I could fill up a Prego Sauce jar. 

While I would love a puppy, my husband is the complete opposite!  He refuses to let us get one and if I did get one, I think it would have to be a Luigi twin. 

So last night my mom and I were talking.  She's thinking about moving into a small condo with a yard.  I thought it was a great idea.  Right now she's living in an apartment on the 3rd floor in a senior community and it's hard for her to get around and let the puppy out when he needs to go potty.  I told her she'll have to get a doggie door put in and she was adamant on NOT getting one.  I asked why and she brought up a good point.  Lots of coyotes where she lives and she'd be too afraid one would get into the backyard and take Lui.  She had a point.

Later in the night we were on the computer looking at condos in her area and then decided to look up puppies.  I'm a sucker for dog pictures.  We came across Dr Yorkies website and on one of his pages, he talkes about predators.  We were reading it and something came over us as we read...

Know The Predators

Threats come in different guises, shapes and sizes.
A small Tea Cup Yorkie darting around in an open area, such as a field, can present a deceptive outward appearance. To a large hawk flying high overhead, it can look like a rodent, and the "swoop and capture" reflex can be triggered.

Even your neighbors' friendly dog can experience the "sprint and capture" reflex. One family told us about a coyote that bounded from the surrounding woods, into their yard, and snatched their small, defenseless puppy.
Their was no time to reach their puppy, as the wild animal dashed back into the woods.

What was it that made you want to add a Yorkshire Terrier to your family? It was quite probably the first time you saw that ball of energy dashing around, eyes bright, silky hair flying in the wind. That is when people usually say, "I want one."
Make sure that the Yorkie you love so much is safe from human predators.

Just imagining all this made us start laughing to the point where I nearly peed my pants.  I know it's not funny but the image of a bird swooping down and carrying away a dog has us cracking up!  And the more we read, the funnier it got.  So yes, my mom and I are "TWO sick Puppies" for laughing at such a serious thing.  May karma not come back and bite us in the butt, and may Luigi stay safe back home in Arizona where hawks fly and coyotes roam.

Gonna miss you I think I'm going to cry!